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Governing the Soul

The Shaping of the Private Self

By Nikolas Rose

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Nikolas Rose is Distinguished Honorary Professor, Research School of Social Sciences and School of Sociology, Australian National University Honorary Professor, Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London

'Governing the Soul exposed psychology students to information that had not been part of their undergraduate training and to radically new perspectives that they experienced as illuminating and liberating.' - Prof. Kurt Danziger, Dep. of Psychology, York Univ., Canada

This work is now widely recognised as one of the founding texts in a new approach to analyzing the links between political power, expertise and the self. This "governmentality" perspective has had important implications for a range of academic disciplines including criminology, political theory, sociology and psychology and has generated much theoretical innovation and empirical investigation.


This second edition adds a new introduction setting out the methodological and conceptual bases of this approach and a new final chapter that considers some of the implications of recent developments in the government of subjectivity.

Additional Information :

Published 1999, 2nd edition (Free Ass. Books) - ISBN: 9781853434440

352 Pages - Paperback

Rights: World

Sold: China (Simplified Char.), Japanese


KvK nr.:  60491833

VAT nr: NL002160634B54

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