Brighter Futures
A Parents' Guide To Raising Happy, Confident Children In The Primary School Years
By Liz Dawes, Nicola Gorringe, Lucy Russell, Katherine Hodson, Jennifer Swanston, Susan Wimshurst
Brighter Futures has been written by a team of clinical psychologists for parents and carers of children aged 4-11. This book tackles some of the challenges that face a child of this age in the modern world.
Maybe your child is struggling to live life to the full. Perhaps worries are holding them back? Maybe they are finding friendships tricky? Maybe teachers have raised concerns that something is getting in the way of your child being happy or fulfilling their potential at school?
The team of clinical psychologists guide you through exactly what to do, from figuring out the roots of the problem, to making and reviewing a manageable plan of action.
Each chapter follows the same approach and contains tried and tested strategies that are practical and are focused on the areas of concern. You will be encouraged to consider changes which could make a big difference.
This book considers the whole child and all the aspects which make up their world including environment, their routines, diet, exercise, brain development their feelings and their views and helps you guide your child to learn the essential skills of life.
Additional Information :
Published 2018 (Free Association Books)
ISBN: 9781911383130 - 200 Pages - Paperback
Rights: World