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Eastern Philosophy

By Jikan

Eastern Philosophy

Eastern philosophy has a rich history dating back to at least 3,000 BC, with its sources primarily in Asia, especially India and China.


This book examines the five best-known Eastern worldviews: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Zen. It discusses their main characteristics and considers the purpose of each philosophy. 


Eastern philosophy differs greatly from Western philosophy. In a general sense, it can be said that Eastern philosophy focuses mainly on reality, while Western philosophy centers around truth.

Additional Information:

Complete English translation available

72 pages – Rights: World (Excl. Dutch)

Dutch author Marc Jikan Brookhuis has written several books on zen, mindfulness and Eastern philosophy.


He works as a zenteacher in The Netherlands and gives many courses like Zen & Archery and Zen & Mindfulness.


KvK nr.:  60491833

VAT nr: NL002160634B54

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