Lessons from the Wild
A Wildlife Vet about What the Wilderness Teaches Us
By Martine van Zijll Langhout

Soon 10th edition will be published and over 8.000+ books sold.
An exciting journey about courage, inner strength and what wild animals teach us.
This adventurous wildlife veterinarian shows us that people are vulnerable creatures who are only a small link in a large whole. Beautiful! – André Kuipers
‘Lessons from the Wild’ is a true story about a passionate young woman with the courage to step out of her comfortzone and to keep following her heart, also under difficult circumstances. Her dream to work as an all-round wildlife veterinarian in Africa seems impossible, but with perseverance she finally succeeds. During her work with western lowland gorillas she lives in the tropical rain-forest in Gabon, together with the indigenous people; a life-changing experience. In the South African bush she runs a busy wildlife veterinary practice, where elephants, lions, buffalos, rhinos and giraffes are her daily patients. During these challenging and often dangerous conditions she learns to survive like a wild animal, using all her senses and feeling connected with all life forms. In this book Martine takes you to the African wilderness as if you are there yourself. In between her very exciting adventures she shares inspiring lessons from wild animals, such as being present, dealing with fears, using your talents, and connecting with others. Through this personal journey she discovers how these insights enhance our physical and mental well-being. On top of that, the complications and urgency of nature conservation become clear. By reading this book you will re-discover the wild animal in yourself, which will enrich your life, and inspire you to follow your heart and truly be yourself.
65 Reviews on BOL.com, including 64 x 5 stars.
- What a wonderful and inspiring book about living in the wilderness and chasing dreams. A book full of exciting adventures and beautiful moments in the beautiful African wilderness. You sympathize with the author and quickly admire her perseverance and love for wild animals and nature. Did read it in one go.
- This book by Martine has given me back this feeling and inspiration of nature, even though I now live in the middle of a big city. It made me relive everything again; it is written so beautifully and straight from her heart.
- Very beautiful and inspiring to read how Martine, despite setbacks and opinions from those around her, follows her heart and goes for her great passion. Heart-warming to read how she experiences the most beautiful adventures, and especially what she learns about herself and our life as humans on earth. I have also lived in the middle of nature myself, and recognize the somewhat spiritual insights she has gained all too well. The peace, purity and basis of the wilderness can teach us a lot, as modern humans.
- Martine takes you on an adventure and makes you think about your own life. Highly recommended for anyone who loves nature, animals and/or adventure.
- I never read anything, but this book I read in one go, very exciting and inspiring.
- The best book I have ever read!
There has been a lot of publicity around the book and the story, including interviews in three large TV programs (Humberto, Beau and Tijd voor Max), podcasts (Wie is de Mol, Positivity Podcast), events (WWF, Rhino Event, Avolare), radio programs (Met Het Oog op Morgen, Radio NH), most large Dutch newspapers (Telegraaf, AD, Trouw, Parool, Vrouw) and some magazines or websites (Seasons, Psychology Magazine, Jinek, Dier & Arts, Speakers Academy Magazine, BIT Magazine, Utrecht University Book, ICM Magazine).
Additional Information:
Published 2020 (Ambo Anthos) - 7 reprints - Englishtranslation available - 254 pages - ISBN: 9789026352522 - Paperback
Rights: World (Excl. Dutch)
Martine is an experienced and passionate zoo and wildlife veterinarian, public speaker, trainer, author and life coach. Next to her current job as head veterinarian of Amsterdam ARTIS Zoo, she is a certified coach and she’s guiding leadership trails in the wilderness in Botswana. Her passion for wildlife took her to many places in the world, where she worked with most wildlife species.
After these enriching and life-changing experiences in the wilderness, acting as a voice for wildlife and reconnecting people with nature, including ourselves, became her new mission. Only then, we humans are truly able to transform our lives and take good care of our planet. Martine is a much sought-after public speaker and trainer. Her lectures and workshops are a true eye-opener and inspiration to many, and she’s working on a second book.