Power Animals
By Petra Stam
Animals are close to us, enriching our lives, teaching us valuable lessons about being true to your own nature. Power animals are spiritual guides, spiritual helpers who share their wisdom with us.
Every person has one or two power animals in their life that resonate with their soul energy. You may also have a power animal temporarily, for example during a difficult period in your life. If you know your power animals and connect with them, you will understand yourself better, recognise your positive qualities and pitfalls, know which energy can guide and heal you when you are out of balance. If you know the power animals of the people around you, you can have more understanding and respect for each other.
Through deep spiritual connections, meditation and dream proving (sleeping on an energetic animal remedy), Petra Stam was able to paint a comprehensive and mostly innovative picture of 66 power animals. She received wisdom from the animal collective, the essence of animal energy as well as themes and dreams and passes them on in this book. Furthermore, she describes the animals and their behaviour, talks about the myths and traditions in which they play a role and deals with cosmic variants in the form of stars (images) and nebulae.
Through this broad and in-depth approach, this book contains a description of the essence of the power animals from various layers, allowing you to connect with them on different levels.
Additional Information:
Published 2017 (A3 Boeken) - Complete English translation available
- Paperback - 285 pages - ISBN: 9789491557354
Rights: World
Petra Stam grew up on Texel, with spiritual (grand)parents. Symbolism, mythology, nature and spirituality have always been important to her. Although she used to find her sensitivity difficult, it is now more of a strength: feet on the earth and head in the stars. In this way, she is connected to both worlds. She can connect both sides.
Her previous education is HBO Social Work. She worked for 11 years in youth care where she supervised minor asylum seekers and teenage mothers.
Power Animals cards
These 66 power animal cards offer you the opportunity to absorb the wisdom and inspiration of a power animal whenever you feel the need. The cards show magical images and tell you from the animal itself how it guides, helps or encourages you. Five extra cards give explanations and some exercises/applications. Petra Stam previously wrote the book ‘Power Animals - wisdom and inspiration from the animal kingdom’ with extensive information about the 66 animals, advice and pitfalls.
Additional Information:
Published 2017 (A3 Boeken) - Complete English translation available - 66 cards - ISBN: 9789491557385
Rights: World