Power Animals
By Petra Stam
Lion and sun goddess Sekhmet is powerful, majestic, mysterious, purifying, transformative and, above all, unconditional love. She, Bastet and other feline beings are great healers. They remind us that we are light, whole and multidimensional and how we can harness the universal life force for ourselves and all that lives. We have to be willing to enter our depths, see through old patterns and leave them behind to be reborn into a higher knowing. They allow us to experience the divine and creative principle within us, like a creator!
When Petra Stam was in the Great Pyramid during a private visit, a lion man and two cat women showed themselves to her. This was her first encounter with feline beings and the beginning of a profound, multi-dimensional journey of experience. She sees the feline beings as ancestors who have lovingly helped us develop greater consciousness. Feline beings have given us cosmic nourishment, infusing memories and abilities into our DNA to lift veils and live our true potential.
With this book she teaches us how to access their power so that we can see beyond the Earth and see ourselves in a larger perspective. You can always seek their help, but only you can heal the cause. That requires self-examination and self-knowledge, as well as taking responsibility for what you did, are doing or haven't done.
Additional Information:
Published 2023 (A3 Boeken) - Part English translation available
Paperback - 256 pages - ISBN: 9789491557750
Rights: World
Petra Stam grew up on Texel, with spiritual (grand)parents. Symbolism, mythology, nature and spirituality have always been important to her. Although she used to find her sensitivity difficult, it is now more of a strength: feet on the earth and head in the stars. In this way, she is connected to both worlds. She can connect both sides.
Her previous education is HBO Social Work. She worked for 11 years in youth care where she supervised minor asylum seekers and teenage mothers.
Sekhmet cards
With these 66 cards, the power of feline beings comes to you and you gain access to multidimensional insights. Each card features a magical image of a feline being with light language, the theme and a brief explanation. Some additional cards give a general explanation and some sample layouts.
Additional Information:
Published 2023 (A3 Boeken) - Part English translation available - 66 cards
ISBN: 9789491557743 - Rights: World