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Fall of Grace

By Theo Barkel


'Fun and bloody.' - Eddy bertin, NBD/Biblion

After a night out, Shea wakes up with a terrible hangover. Initially he does not know what happened. But as the truth slowly dawns on him, there seems to be no escape from his devilish situation.

All that stands between him and eternal damnation is an eccentric priest committed to saving his soul. However, they face a powerful demon who does not give up easily. Especially when the stakes turn out to be much higher than initially appears to be the case...


Additional Information:

Published 2007, 2018, 2024 (Macc Uitgeverij) - 90 pages - Paperback

Rights: World

Theo Barkel has been active as a writer for many years. Besides the horror series Shadajaël, several of his short stories have been published. He also worked as editor in chief of SF-Terra, one of the oldest SF and Fantasy magazines in the Netherlands


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