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On the Run
By Izai Amorim

On the Run - Izai Amorim

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Reviews from NetGalley

Izai Amorim was born and raised in Brazil and spent his adult life abroad, briefly in the USA, mostly in Germany. Trained as an architect and a civil engineer, Izai has worked in real estate and construction, branding and communications, and project management. At home in many languages and cultures, and with a rich and diverse work experience, Izai's fiction has depth and breadth, and his storytelling travels well, reaching a worldwide audience.

Top Ten Best Fiction Books by Latino Authors in 2016 – The Latino Author – USA

New York City, early 1990s: a young, rich, and well-educated Central American man on the run from the police and Colombian drug dealers. He is accused of crimes he didn’t commit. Ready to do what it takes to survive, Pablo ironically embraces the very drug trade that threatened his life in the first place. Who is he? What is he really capable of?

The question of identity is at the heart of On the Run. More than a contemporary story of survival, it’s a journey of self-discovery. Pablo’s voice is funny, sometimes mean and merciless. He moves with nightmarish ease from recounting his adventures to recollecting his early life. Not always politically correct, On the Run gives you an insightful, twisted, humorous, and often disturbing view of conflicting worlds and beliefs: North and Latin America; black, brown, and white; rich and poor; rational and esoteric – and shows how they mix, match, and clash.


The book is filled with dark humor, but it doesn’t overdo it. Pablo’s behavior always stays in character, even as he struggles to find his own identity and come to terms with how he’s changed. Pablo’s choices aren’t always the right ones – definitely not – but they do allow the reader to get a more complete perspective on him. At first, he’s horrified by what he’s forced to do, but he slowly adapts to the new life forced upon him. An intriguing read, and one I very much enjoyed. If you like literary fiction with a dark sense of humor, I recommend this book. - Majanka V., Reviewer – Belgium



Additional Information:

Published revised edition 2021 - ISBN: 978-3000530395 – 358 pages - Paperback

Rights: European Languages


KvK nr.:  60491833

VAT nr: NL002160634B54

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